Lessons to Learn

Federal Level

Royal Commission into Natural Disasters

The Australian Parliment introduced a Royal Commission into Natural Disasters.

As part of the process they interviewed key individuals, organisations and stakeholders into the bushfires. This was a non partisan investigation.

Its key findings/recommendations were:

  • Enable the national to make key high level decisions around bushfire management across the country.

  • The government had a slow response to the bushfires and future responses must be more prompt

  • 10 billion dollar economic impact.

  • Australia needs to take Climate Change seriously

  • There should be a federal fire fighting air craft fleet

  • Infomation should be shared across governments

  • Increase the span of the Fire Danger Rating System

  • Review of recovery funding

The 2021 Budget

In the recently announced budget the government has pledged more resources into bushfire management. This included:

  • 3.3 billion dollar water system upgrade to allow better storage of water and greater drought resistance.

  • 200 million dollars to improve communication and alert systems in bushfire prone areas.

  • 600 million dollars for community and household projects to mitigate the impact of natural disasters.

  • 10 Billion Dollars to make insurance more affordable,

State Level

Report of the NSW Bushfire Inquiry

The NSW government announced The Report of the NSW Bushfire Inquiry to give recommendations of how to better prepare for future bushfire disasters.

Its key findings/recommendations included:

  • State Gov. provide an outline of what to expect before the start of each season. Eg. severity, water levels etc.

  • Establish a national bush fire database, to track bushfire stats, trends and management strategies.

  • State Government establish a spatial technology acceleration program to maximise the information available.

  • Identify vulnerable locations such as schools, age care facilities etc. and prioritise the evacutation and support to these areas.

  • The State Gov. Set up training programs in bushfire management for community leaders.

    The State Gov. helps develop and contribute to a global response to climate change.

  • "That Government establish NSW as a major world centre of bush fire research, and technology development and commercialisation."

Local Level

Lessons to better manage fires at a local level.

  • Individuals develop bushfire plans, and to prepare for the worst.

  • Local councils should encourage collaboration amongst it citizens, this will better help all members of a community.

  • Learn the Indigeonous fire management methods such as "cool burning" and implement them into local communities.

  • Encourage people to volunteer to help fight the fires.

  • Make sure members of the community are in contact with at least one other person. This person will act as a "buddy" and will make sure that the other person is ok and safe at all times.